2024-2025 Off-Season Schedule

Please use the following schedule to take note Baseball’s Off-Season Schedule. Please note that off-season practices and games are not directly associated with Carlsbad High School so do not reach out to the Athletics Department with any questions. All questions can be directed to Coach Scott at coach@carlsbadlancersbaseball.com

Important Notes: Some dates on the calendar may change so check back week to week.

Sophomores-Seniors will utilize Baseball PE time for practices.

Freshmen/Non-Baseball PE Workouts Begin on September 25th.

Winter Ball Tryouts are on October 18, 21, 22. Players must attend Winter Ball Tryouts to be on a Winter Ball Roster. Players that do not make a Winter Ball Roster may still practice but will not be on the weekend roster. Winter Ball games will be played most Saturday beginning in November-February. Players that do not make a Winter Ball Roster can still attend Spring Tryouts on February 15th. If you are playing another sport, October 21st is an early release day so you should be able to make that day at minimum.

Since off-season programs are not funded by the school, there is a cost for Winter Ball to be announced at later date.

See Schedule Here (bookmark/save this link): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jPkNL3rMlveWDGajFw5VCYMc9IpgOheL3Qi-tsMl_2U/edit?usp=sharing